[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T1011832: Winforms .NET 5 Designer - It's not possible to place controls from a form into LayoutControl and use the Esc key]
Are you sure the drag&drop issue has been fixed? I downloaded the v21.1.5 hotfix, replaced all references to use the v21.1.5-pre packages and the drag & drop issue is still alive. [Escape] traversal to parents does work though.
I tried to reproduce the issue with the hotfix from the original thread, but all my attempts were unsuccessful. Please make sure you use an offline package or a local feed. I recoded a video to illustrate this. Refer to the video in the attachment.
If this does not help, please send us a simple project and a video illustrating the issue. This will help us narrow down the issue and quickly find its cause.
I look forward to your reply.
I just reported a similar issue here:
Might shed some light on their issue as well. If needed I can provide a video.
Thank you for the additional information.
This ticket is in our processing queue and we will answer it shortly.
->If needed I can provide a video.
It would be helpful if you share a video that illustrates this behavior.