I'm got a windows with a ComboBoxEdit and a DxGrid containing a ComboBox column. For both of these I want the combo box to display an "AddNew" button, so I've set the AddNewButtonPlacement property on the ComboBoxEdit and ComboBoxEditSettings for both controls. Looks good - I get the + button next to the dropdown button. Then, as described in your documentation for the ComboBoxEdit, I've used the ProcessNewValue event to generate the new value for the ItemSource. Again, this works fine. So I go to repeat the process for the ComboBoxEditSettings, but there's no ProcessNewValue event! OK, so let's check the documentation. Go to the properties for ComboBoxEditSettings and look at AddNewButtonPlacement. It tells me that this property is inherited from LookupEditSettingsBase, which is fine except that there's no documentation for that class at all! http://help.devexpress.com/#WPF/DevExpressXpfEditorsSettingsComboBoxEditSettingsMembersTopicAll
So, how do you suggest I handle a click on the "AddNew" button in a DxGrid combobox?