Ticket Q317875
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Why use EditSettings instead of CellTemplate or EditTemplate/DisplayTemplate

created 14 years ago

for changing the column type I can use all of the possibilities named above. At the column I can use the EditSettings. What exactly are the advantages of EditSettings instead of Celltemplate or EditTemplate/DisplayTemplate? Performance?
We made a custom class inheriting from LookUpEdit. In the GridControl we want to use this custom class,too. So we need to use the custom class or make the same expandings of the class to the LookUpEditSettings,too.
Thank you very much,

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 14 years ago (modified 13 years ago)

Hello Tobias.
Thank you for your question. You can implement the same functionality in two ways:

  1. Using the CellTemplate property to define a template that specifies the visualization of column cells. That will allow you to completely replace the cell with your custom editor. In this case EditSettings will not be used. But you may have some performance decrease.
  2. Using a custom edit settings class inherited from LookUpEditSettings and assigned to the GridColumn.EditSettings property. In this case you have less flexibility in general, but may win some in performance. The primary advantage of using EditSetting is that, in a common case, the resulting visual tree will be less complex than that if you use the first approach. As a result, the grid will work faster in this case.
    Thanks, Victor.
    Comments (1)

      Thank you for your answer.

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