Ticket Q582911
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Suggested way to handle ProcessNewValue from ComboBoxEditSettings MVVM way

created 11 years ago

I have reviewed a couple of options from your documentation to handle ProcessNewValue event but hasn't fully got what is the recommended way to do the below tasks with MVVM with the current version of DXGrid
- process the new value only when the user hits enter (now in the below code it will processed on every letter insert)
- on value processing handler, add the new object to itemssource where the newly entered String will be set to object's DisplayMember property
- if AddNewButtonPlacement is specified, open a dialog to enter values for the new object
Current code (which requires code-behind):

<dxg:GridColumn FieldName="parentID"> <dxg:GridColumn.EditSettings> <dxe:ComboBoxEditSettings AutoComplete="True" ImmediatePopup="True" IncrementalFiltering="True" IsTextEditable="True" ItemsSource="{Binding MyParent.Childrents, Mode=TwoWay}" ValueMember="Id" DisplayMember="Name" AddNewButtonPlacement="Popup" /> </dxg:GridColumn.EditSettings> </dxg:GridColumn>
<dxg:TableView ShownEditor="view_ShownEditor">
Visual Basic
Private Sub view_ShownEditor(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DevExpress.Xpf.Grid.EditorEventArgs) If e.Column.FieldName = "parentID" Then Dim comboBoxEdit As ComboBoxEdit = DirectCast(e.Editor, ComboBoxEdit) If DirectCast(comboBoxEdit.Tag, String) = "ProcessNewValueHandlerAssigned" Then Return End If AddHandler comboBoxEdit.ProcessNewValue, AddressOf comboBoxEdit_ProcessNewValue comboBoxEdit.Tag = "ProcessNewValueHandlerAssigned" End If End Sub Private Sub comboBoxEdit_ProcessNewValue(ByVal sender As DependencyObject, ByVal e As ProcessNewValueEventArgs) 'process value here... End Sub

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 11 years ago (modified 11 years ago)

To process new values when Enter is pressed, set ValidateOnTextInput to 'False' and 'ValidateOnEnterKeyPressed' to true. To get rid of extra code-behind, you can create an attached property and implement all logic in it. I have attached a sample project to illustrate this approach.
As for opening a dialog when the button is clicked, I suggest that you add a button to the ComboBoxEditSettings.Buttons collection and show the dialog in the Click event handler.

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