DevExpress documentation says that invisible selected nodes can not be accessed, because they do not exist. However the ASPxTreeList seems to remember the keys of selected nodes, because selection is restored after collapse and expand a node. Why not provide the ability to access the selection collection in virtual mode?
ASPxTreeList has an internal mechanism to save and restore node selection after an end-user collapses and expands nodes in a virtual mode. For this purpose, the control retains selected node keys within the ASPxTreeList.TreeDataHelper.SelectedKeys internal property. We cannot make this property public and do not recommend you use it, because at some stages of the control life-cycle the maintained information can be out-of-date.
If you need to get the invisible selected nodes we recommend that you remember the keys of selected nodes manually, e.g., by implementing a client-side array to track the selected keys using the client-side SelectionChanged event.
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Hi Lana,
The SelectionChanged event does not provide the key of the node clicked on. Also the SelecionChanged event does not fire
for nodes that are checked automitically if the recursive enebled
Indeed, the SelectionChanged event argument does not provide information about selected or unselected nodes. Please refer to the following tickets for additional details:
ASPxTreeList - How to handle SelectionChanged event and get selected nodes
OnSelectionChanged - how do I no which node changed