I am handling the OnSelectionChanged event for the aspxtreelist control. How do I determine the key of the node that changed? This handler only accepts a very basic EventArgs parameter which pretty much contains nothing.
Also, I notice that this handler gets called 2 times on the server. Can you explain this behavior? I want to understand.
I have the following settings:
<Settings ShowColumnHeaders="false" />
<SettingsBehavior ExpandCollapseAction="NodeDblClick" AutoExpandAllNodes="true" AllowSort="false" />
<SettingsSelection Enabled="True" Recursive="true" />
<SettingsPager Mode="ShowAllNodes" />
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Hello Jim,
The SelectionChanged event doesn't give you information about which nodes have been selected or deselected. Most likely, you should use the FocusedNodeChanged event instead. Please refer to the event description in the online documentation.
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Purhaps I worded my question incorrectly. I need to know which "checkbox" changed when callback occurs against the server. Whether or not a node is focused makes no different to me. I have the control setup to callback when the checkbox changes from checked to unchecked or vice versa.
Hello Jim,
We have the following suggestion that relates to your question:
When a node's focused or selected state changes, provide arguments of related server and client events with the information about the processed node
You can track it to be informed when this functionality is implemented.