Dear DevExpress Team
I'm dealing with a treelist and I would like to obtain the following behavior:
- Raise a custom callback handling the client side SelectionChange() method when a user check/uncheck a particular node (with recursive mode).
- do nothing when a user expand without diretly selecting nodes.
Alternatively, when I manage SelectionChanged() method in order to run a custom callback is there the opportunity to check if the treelist selection has changed, for example with a property selectednodes or something of similar?
Many thanks in advance.
We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:
Add new parameters to the client-side SelectionChanged event
At present, the ASPxTreeList control does not provide the functionality to retrieve a node whose checked state has been changed. As a workaround, you can try an approach described in the Q263175 - ASPxTreeList - How to get NodeKey using the SelectionChanged event on the client side report. However, the client-side ASPxClientTreeList.SelectionChanged event is raised every time, so that you can perform a custom callback and process selected nodes on the server side. Take a look at the E2157 - OBSOLETE: How to change the style of a parent node's selection checkbox if some of its child nodes are selected Code Central example, which may be helpful in your scenario.
We have a corresponding request in our TO-DO list to improve this functionality. Please track the Q217449 - Add new parameters to the client-side SelectionChanged event suggestion to be notified of our progress.
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Thanks Mike for your answer,
my regards my need to capture check/uncheck actions only from client-side. I have a following pivot grid that depend on treelist nodes selection and I would like to avoid treelist perform continous callback for expansion/compression of sub-tree.
Have any usefull suggestion?
Many regards in advance.
Hi Alessandro,
Thank you for your feedback. I believe you can easily accomplish this task with the approach that is described in the ASPxTreeList - How to disable a checkbox for the node selection report.