We improved our AuditTrail module. Now, you can localize the AuditOperationType enumeration using the Model Editor. This improvement is available in the 8.2.3 update.
Mike V.
Localization - It's impossible to localize AuditDataItem properties without modifying the source code
how to get this enum AuditOperationType shown in the Model Editor? I am using the AuditTrailModule but this enum is not visible within Locilization-Enums.
C#We improved our AuditTrail module. Now, you can localize the AuditOperationType enumeration using the Model Editor. This improvement is available in the 8.2.3 update.
@Florian: I've created a separate ticket on your behalf (T619722: Audit record's OperationType localization). It has been placed in our processing queue and will be answered shortly.
Please refer to this question with ID Q182523 (localize "parameters" text) for greater details.
As a workaround, you can modify the AuditDataItemPersistent.cs file located in the …\DevExpress.Persistent\DevExpress.Persistent.BaseImpl\ folder
In this case, in the AuditDataItemPersistent class it is necessary to add code, which will check the current operation type value and return the value you need:
public string OperationType { get { if (operationType == "InitialValueAssigned") return "SomeValue"; } set { operationType = value; } }