Ticket T675478
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How can show xaf web ui inside a iframe

created 6 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM Q443184: Can I embed an XAF View in an IFRAME element placed in another web page?]
So i am looking for a way to show a view from a xaf web application in another xaf web application.
I saw this post, but its not clear for me what modifications were done.

So how can show xaf web ui inside a iframe ?!

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 6 years ago

Hello Andrei,

We've just modified our code so that XAF Web UI can now be technically used inside an IFRAME element.

Your task appears to be about presentation.You can use any way to embed an IFRAME into an XAF application depending on your exact requirements. For instance:
How to display another web site or custom HTML inside IFRAME embedded into an XAF View
Task-Based Help > How to: Customize an ASP.NET Template

Take special note that applications will not share the same authenticated user and you will have to perform additional actions, if you need this (this may be difficult to implement). I will be able to provide more comments on the best solutions (they may not use IFRAME at all) to achieve your ultimate goal only after receiving more information from you.

    Show previous comments (3)
    Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 6 years ago

      Yes, you can reference the Solution1.Module assembly in your Solution2.Module and then add the Solution1Module component using the Module Designer.

      If you need that the Solution1.Module classes were connected to a different database than Solution2, you will need to perform additional configuration as described in the How to connect different XPO data models to several databases within a single application or How to prevent altering the legacy database schema when creating an XAF application articles.
      Other changes may be required depending on your new business requirements.

      DZ DZ
      Douglas Zuniga 6 years ago

        Can you provide some examples about how to use IFRAME with XAF, using CRUD.and authentication using the external credentials to create the security object inside xaf, please?


        Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 6 years ago

          @Douglas Zuniga: We do not have ready examples for this advanced task and can only provide general directions at this stage:
              How to skip authentication and automatically redirect a user to the New Password dialog by a link from email
              How to skip the logon page and automatically authenticate a user in code (e.g. from an external link)
          These tickets describe how to implement custom authentication strategies that can be helpful if you host an XAF app within another web site. For general information on ASP.NET authentication and IFRAME, refer to public community resources. It is likely that you will implement the XAF integration faster if you first implement your scenario in a regular non-XAF ASP.NET WebForms app hosted inside IFRAME. As always, knowing more about your ultimate goal, environment and other requirements will allow us to comment more on the XAF integration part.

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