Ticket Q474203
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How to skip the logon page and automatically authenticate a user in code (e.g. from an external link)

created 12 years ago

my XAF web site is using as you can see in the
attached picture is using the following security components:

  1. SecurityComplex
    and is showing you standard login view as first
    I need to allow an external system to open an
    internal view or even the dashboard,
    without the login view,
    is there a way to allow override this login
    authentication is some way?
    I have a WS that is connected to the XAF ORM, so I
    can provide authentication data if needed.
    can the user override the login by using a specific
    URL maybe?
    Thank you

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 12 years ago (modified 2 years ago)

Hello Yaniv,

To accomplish this task, you can create a special user and configure its permissions to grant access only to a certain dashboard view. Then authenticate this user in code, when required (see Pass login arguments to application). To indicate that the user should be authenticated in code, you can pass a custom parameter to the request URL. To learn how to retrieve parameters from the URL, refer to the following tickets:
Passing parameter in QueryString
link to new object from standard aspx page


I have created a sample project and decided that it will be easier to use an additional page to perform the required actions in the XAF application. In this case, it is not necessary to process XAF shortcuts. Please see the code of the WebForm1.aspx. It is also required to allow unsecured access to this page in Web.config:

<location path="WebForm1.aspx"> <system.web> <authorization> <allow users="?" /> </authorization> </system.web> </location>

To test the sample, first start the XAF application (or publish it on the IIS) and then start the WebApplication1.

See also:
How to open a View specified in an external link after logging in

T234465: How to skip authentication and automatically redirect a user to the New Password dialog by a link from email

    Show previous comments (9)
    Anatol (DevExpress) 12 years ago

      I am happy to hear that the problem is resolved. Feel free to contact us if you need further assistance.


        I tried this with Version 17.2.6 and found that Logon() doesn't support these arguments. Can you help?


        Andrey K (DevExpress Support) 7 years ago


          The current thread is quite old, please refer to the T234465: How to skip authentication and automatically redirect a user to the New Password dialog by a link from email thread where the same task was solved. Let us know if you face any difficulties.


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