Ticket T552917
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GridView - How to implement a shortcut to add a new row

created 8 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T363560: ASPxGridView - Batch Edit - Provide cell focusing and keyboard navigation]
This isn't really good enough for users, surely there should be an easy way for them to create a new row, without potentially having to scoot about all over that grid?

Comments (1)
Robert Bickers 8 years ago

    I half solved this problem by doing the following:

    Registering the key up event:

    settings.Columns.Add(col => { .... col.Name = "myGrid" colProperties.ClientSideEvents.KeyUp = "MyJSController.Import.CreateNewRow"; });

    and then doing this :

    Import: { CreateNewRow(s, e) { if (e.htmlEvent.keyCode == 13 || e.htmlEvent.keyCode == 9) { myGrid.AddNewRow(); } } }

    However, I would opt for anything that's built in to solve this same problem. It seems this method is a little temperamental, in that when I'm on that last column, it doesn't always accept the tab key as having been pressed

    Answers approved by DevExpress Support

    created 8 years ago

    Hello Robert,

    I've forwarded this scenario to our developers. They will discuss it when planning further development of the control.
    Now I can suggest you handle the client-side Init event of your GridView and implement your own shortcut to add a new row. In my sample I used the "F4" button:

    function OnInit(s, e) { ASPxClientUtils.AttachEventToElement(s.GetMainElement(), "keydown", function (evt) { if (evt.keyCode === 115) //key code of F4 button s.AddNewRow(); }); }

    Please review the attached project and let me know if this approach helps.


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