We have implemented the new cell focusing mode in the batch edit mode. Now you can navigate through cells using keyboard.
Arrow keys move focus.
Tab moves focus forward.
Shift + Tab moves focus backward.
Enter starts and ends editing.
F2 starts editing.
Delete deletes a row containing focused cell.
A new FocusedCellClick value has been added to the GridViewBatchStartEditAction enumeration. If the grid's SettingsEditing.BatchEditSettings.StartEditAction property is set to the FocusedCellClick value, the first click on a grid data cell focuses the cell, and the second click on the cell starts cell editing. The new FocusedCellClick value is now the StartEditAction property's default value.
You can customize the focused cell style by using the FocusedCell property
We have implemented two methods allowing you to control cell focus on the client side.
The GetFocusedCell method returns information about currently focused cell.
The SetFocusedCell method sets the specified cell as focused.
You can try this functionality in the WebForms Batch Editing and Updating or MVC Batch Editing demo.
Note that the specified links will be available with the next major release 16.1.