Ticket T321532
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Diagram support in Snap and RichEdit

created 9 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T319367: OrgChart functionality]
why the diagram component is not integrated into the snapDocument or richeditor like in Microsoft Word

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 9 years ago

In the meantime, we do not have plans to integrate the diagram control into the RichEditControl or SnapControl document. The RichEditControl does not support chart objects at all.
The only graphic elements supported by the RichEditControl are images and textboxes.
In the case of SnapControl, we provide the capability to insert charts in a document. However, in this case there must be a corresponding data source for rendering the chart.
The Diagram control we introduce in version 15.2 is mostly intended to manually create all the diagram nodes and relations between these nodes.
We are not planning to support this component in the SnapControl document.
Do not hesitate to contact me if you have additional questions or need further assistance.

    Show previous comments (1)
    DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago

      I understand the necessity of printing diagrams for you. We have plans to support shapes in the RichEditControl and SnapControl components. Using the shapes you can create a diagram in a way similar to an MS Word application.
      This is a quite complex task and we have not yet decided in what exact version of the RichEditControl (SnapControl) components the shapes will be supported:
      Add shapes support
      In addition, we have plans to support printing/exporting our XtraDiagram control:
      Add printing support
      DiagramControl - Support export/print functionality
      You can add all the mentioned ticket to your favorites to be automatically notified of any changes regarding these features.

        I trust that you can add all these features in short time. You can do…

        DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago

          No doubt that we will work on the mentioned features (supporting shapes in the RichEditControl and providing the capability to print/export the DiagramControl).
          I can't provide you with any estimates regarding introducing these features, since we have not yet decided in what exact version they will be implemented.
          Once we implement any of these features, we will update the "What's New" section for a corresponding version. Please stay tuned to our announcements.

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