Ticket T225709
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Is there any plans to implement more gauges styles in the Dashboard?

created 10 years ago


I wanted to know if is there plans to implement more gauges styles.
It would be great having the same styles that are available at the "DevExpress ASP.NET Gauges" package.
I'm sorry to tell, but the one that is currently available, is very poor.
The rest of the components of Dashboard are great. As all of your components.
Except for this case. I think it needs more attention.

Thanks for the attention.

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 10 years ago

Hi Rodrigo,
At present we cannot implement all styles available in ASP.NET Gauges package since we use our JS Gauges in Dashboards and some styles are not compatible. We have a separate ticket for this feature discussion: Gauge Dashboard Item - Add more gauges types and designs. Would you please describe where which styles are most required for you?

    Show previous comments (3)

      Thank you Maxim.

      DevExpress Support Team 10 years ago

        Thank you for your input in our products.

          i would definitely give a +1 for "Gauge C"
          i am researching whether i can do a traffic light in dashboard, havent found anythign yet.
          "gauge C" would be pretty awesome, i guess it needs flexibility in terms of number of bands, 3-5 is probbaly the most likely range of bands needed. also need to be able to specifiy the colour pallete

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