[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM A264: How to change a row style based on a column value]
how do i fire gridView1_RowCellStyle event (i mean on my aspx page)
How to change a row style based on a column value
Answers approved by DevExpress Support
Use the ASPxGridView.HtmlDataCellPrepared event to implement the required task. Please refer to the Change row and data cell styles using events example for details. Should you have any further questions, feel free to contact us.
What if i need to do the same on grid_CustomButtonCallback event??
which means i need to highlight the row which is selected through the above event.
Hi Parinita,
This event is raised on each callback to the server, including a custom button's callback. However, I'm not sure that I understand the task you are trying to accomplish. If you only select a row, it is possible to simply customize the layout of selected rows using the Styles.SelectedRow property.