KB Article A264
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How to change a row style based on a column value

How do I set the color or a row based on a value in a column?

There are two solutions:

  1. Define a format condition;
  2. Handle the RowCellStyle event.

This article explains the second solution.
You should set the e.Appearance.BackColor parameter within the RowCellStyle event handler. A cell is defined by the e.RowHandle and e.Column parameters; the cell's value is passed to the e.CellValue parameter.
Our task is to change the style of the whole row. This means that the e.Column parameter should be ignored. A certain column's value can be obtained via the GetRowCellValue method.

private bool IsShipToUSCanada(GridView view, int row) { try { string val = Convert.ToString(view.GetRowCellValue(row, "ShipCountry")); return (val == "US" || val == "Canada"); } catch { return false; } } private void gridView1_RowCellStyle(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.RowCellStyleEventArgs e) { if(IsShipToUSCanada(gridView1, e.RowHandle)) { e.Appearance.BackColor = Color.LightGray; } }
Visual Basic
Private Function IsShipToUSCanada(ByVal view As GridView, ByVal row As Integer) As Boolean Try Dim val As String = Convert.ToString(view.GetRowCellValue(row, "ShipCountry")) Return (val = "US" OrElse val = "Canada") Catch Return False End Try End Function Private Sub gridView1_RowCellStyle(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.RowCellStyleEventArgs) Handles gridView1.RowCellStyle If IsShipToUSCanada(gridView1, e.RowHandle) Then e.Appearance.BackColor = Color.LightGray End If End Sub

If you need to change the style of a single cell (column) instead of a row, you will need to check the e.Column parameter: change e.Appearnace only if e.Column denotes the desired column.
See Also:
DevExpress WinForms Cheat Sheet - Appearances and Skins
Customizing Appearances of Individual Rows and Cells
How to customize the Look-And-Feel of my grid cells
Disabled Cell Behavior

Comments (3)
Esmael Tahermirzaee 11 years ago

    Hi Alex
    Thank you for solution.

      how do i fire gridView1_RowCellStyle event (i mean on my aspx page)

      DevExpress Support Team 11 years ago

        This KB article is related to WinForms XtraGrid. I have created a separate How to change a row style based on a column value  ticket about this task and forwarded it to our ASP.NET support team.
        We will answer this ticket shortly.

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