Ticket S34026
Visible to All Users

Core - Make it easier to prevent showing a DetaiView from a ListView permanently or on a condition

created 15 years ago (modified 10 years ago)

Refer to the How to prevent a DetailView from being shown when a User double clicks or presses the Enter key on a record in a ListView example for a solution that uses the ListViewProcessCurrentObjectController.CustomProcessSelectedItem event.
Proposed Solution:
Provide a new ShowDetailView attribute in the ListView node schema
or make the DetailViewID attribute of the ListView node calculable and make it possible not to show DetailView if the DetailViewID attribute is empty.

Show previous comments (21)
Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 11 years ago

    @Robert: No, this ticket is still marked as Active.

    RK RK
    Robert Kapuściński 11 years ago

      vote for this:)

        I vote for an attribute for this, too (or some switch in the model editor).  There are times where I want a read-only or editable grid and don't want to just "switch off" the detail option without implementing via security.  Or can't we just select "none" for the DetailView on the ListView itself?

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