Example E622
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XAF - Prevent Showing a Detail View of a List View Object

This example demonstrates how to prevent a user from invoking a Detail View of an object in a List View.

To allow users to edit objects directly in a List View, enable the in-place edit and split layout functionality.

Implementation Details

Call the Frame.GetController method to access an instance of the ListViewProcessCurrentObjectController class and disable the ListViewProcessCurrentObjectController.ProcessCurrentObjectAction property.

Additional Information

This example applies only when an XAF application displays a Detail View of an object after a user double-clicks this object in a List View, or focuses an object in a List View and presses Enter. To handle other scenarios, extend the controller's code. For example, if you do not want your XAF application to invoke a Detail View after a user clicks the New button to create an object in a List View, handle the NewObjectViewController.ObjectCreating event and set the ObjectCreatingEventArgs.ShowDetailView property to false.

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Example Code

using DevExpress.ExpressApp; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.SystemModule; namespace dxTestSolution.Module.Controllers { public class DisableShowingViewController : ViewController { protected override void OnActivated() { base.OnActivated(); ListViewProcessCurrentObjectController targetController = Frame.GetController<ListViewProcessCurrentObjectController>(); if (targetController != null) { targetController.ProcessCurrentObjectAction.Enabled["MyReason"] = false; } } } }

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