Ticket S170931
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Data Binding - Provide the server-side data processing mode (Server Mode)

created 12 years ago
Show previous comments (10)

    I need this to. Is there a scheduled date for the release ?
    My customers want a date.

    DevExpress Support Team 11 years ago

      This feature will be introduced in version 14.1, which should be released at the end of May.

        Good news! I look forward to the next release…

        Answers approved by DevExpress Support

        created 11 years ago (modified 10 years ago)

        We have implemented the functionality described in this ticket. It will be included in our next update(s).

        Please check back and leave a comment to this response to let us know whether or not this solution addresses your concerns.

        Additional information:

        With v14.1, the DevExpress Dashboard allows you to connect a dashboard to a SQL database with a large number of records using the Server Mode. The main server mode feature is that data-related operations are performed on the server side, while in default data binding modes, these operations are performed on the client side.

        After the upgrade, the Server Side data processing mode is automatically enabled for all SQL Server data sources. It is possible to switch data processing mode using the ribbon menu or by setting the DataSource.DataProcessingMode  property in code:

        DataSource dataSource = DashboardDesigner.Dashboard.DataSources[0]; dataSource.DataProcessingMode = DataProcessingMode.Server;

        *Note: After converting a project to a newer version, it is necessary to update the ribbon by executing the Create Ribbon command from the DashboardDesigner smart tag menu.

          Show previous comments (7)
          MM MM
          Mariusz Muszalski 11 years ago

            Is that new option only for Dashboard Designer?

            MM MM
            Mariusz Muszalski 11 years ago

              Server mode option is disabled for OLAP datasource. Is it by design?

              DevExpress Support Team 11 years ago

                Yes, it is by design. In OLAP mode data is always aggregated at the data source level. We only display values retrieved from the server in a convenient form.

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