Ticket T110761
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What is the best target platform WinForms or MVC

created 11 years ago

I realize some test for my client. I want to know what is the best for me between Winform or MVC application.
What is the way for implement Dashboard in MVC application ?
I create a project in server mode with a grid which work perfectly, now i need some Dashboard.
I try to reproduce the same way but for the moment i have not been able to do it.
Can i have some advice ?

Comments (2)
DevExpress Support Team 11 years ago

    I am afraid your question is not clear to me. Would you please clarify your requirements in greater detail? A sample project demonstrating your goal will be very helpful.

      I'm sorry, i try to clarify.
      At the moment I realize tests to see what is the best option for me between winform application and MVC in server mode.
      In my head I have the idea how I will implement without big difficulty the dashboard in WinForm application.
      For my MVC application i have no idea how  implement the dashboard in server mode.
      Your documentation is not yet available.
      I hope you see my thought.

      Answers approved by DevExpress Support

      created 11 years ago (modified 11 years ago)

      The Dashboard Suite uses server mode in the same way in WinForm and ASP.NET/MVC frameworks. I recommend you start with a WinForms solution that will allow you to create dashboards dynamically using the DashboardDesigner control. Then, if necessary, you will be able to provide a WEB dashboard viewer which will work correctly with dashboards created using the DashboardDesigner control.

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