Ticket Q501861
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PropertyGridControl and ExpandoObject

created 12 years ago

how do I get the propertygrid to display a dynamic class (Expando, dictionary<string, object> where key=propertyname etc)
I have a class where there are a set off attributes stored in Xml. I want to use the PropertyGrid for editing these values.

What would you suggest. (I don't know the attributes names / type before hand, these need to created based on the xml)

Example XML

<Age DataType='int'>67</Age>
<Music>Average White Band</Music>

Any help would be appreciated.

Comments (2)
Andrey K (DevExpress Support) 12 years ago

    Hello Moose,
    After research, we have come to the conclusion that it is difficult to solve this question based only on the provided information. If you could provide me with a sample project, it would be very helpful. I am looking forward to your response.

    MR MR
    Martin Radvansky 12 years ago

      I have the same problem.
      I need use property grid control to edit an XML file or dictionary where is name and value.
      How I can do it.
      I need it for configuration some external plugins, where autor give config xml file
      Thanks for help

      Answers approved by DevExpress Support

      created 12 years ago (modified 6 years ago)

      Starting with v19.1, PropertyGridControl can edit ExpandoObject out of the box.

      In previous versions, PropertyGridControl doesn't support ExpandObject. I have created a separate thread regarding this issue: S172053: Support ExpandoObject in PropertyGridControl. You can subscribe to its updates to be notified when we have any news. As a solution, you can use a dictionary in the PropertyGridControl, but it is necessary to implement the ICustomTypeDescriptor interface. I have created a sample project to demonstrate how to accomplish this task.
      Alexander Rus

        Show previous comments (5)
        Alexander Russkov (DevExpress) 12 years ago

          It's OK, Martin. Thank you for your clarification. I have also transferred this issue to a separate thread: "Q379209: How to hide specific rows in the PropertyGridControl".
          Alexander Rus

            hi, I can't open the sample you posted in vs2010, I get an incompatible error. Can you repost it?

            Alexander Russkov (DevExpress) 11 years ago

              Hello Moose,
              I have converted the project. You can also open it via the "*.csproj" file instead of "*.sln".
              Alexander Rus

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