Ticket Q379194
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How to customize PropertyDefinitions when an object properties are unknown in design time

created 12 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM Q501861: PropertyGridControl and ExpandoObject]

  1. I need create combobox how can I do it?
  2. I need add tooltip text to every item in the PropertyGridControl

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 12 years ago (modified 12 years ago)

I suggest that you use the PropertyDefinitionsSource and PropertyDefinitionTemplateSelector properties to accomplish this task. PropertyDefinitionTemplateSelector allows selecting an appropriate property template for each item in the PropertyDefinitionsSource collection. To use a ComboBoxEdit for property editing, use the PropertyDefinition.CellTemplate property. You can use the same property to assign a tooltip.
I have modified the example from the Q501861: PropertyGridControl and ExpandoObject thread to demonstrate this approach.
Alexander Rus

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