Ticket Q457865
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We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:

Core - Support ListView sorting settings from the application model in Server Mode

Sorting in ListView/NestedListView in servermode

created 12 years ago

we want to sort a listView by a particular property in
servermode. The only way that seems to work is to have a column that is
bound to the property. This column then has to have a sortIndex bigger 1 and allowSort must be true.
Thats a good way to predefine sorting that can be changed by the user.
The problem is, that in our application we have some properties for sorting
that should be invisible to our customers. It also shouldn't be
possible to the customer to change the sorting (allowSort = false). I have already seen example E1276. But this example works with plattform dependent code and therefore is no option for us.

Without servermode it's easy to implement. We simply can delete the column in
our ListView model (the column is now invisible) and use the ModelSorting node of the listView to sort by the invisible property. If
we activate servermode, the IModelSorting property seems to have no
effect at all.
My suggestion is to make it possible to sort with
the IModelSorting property in servermode in rootListViews as in
nestedListViews. This would be a very easy way to configure the sorting, without having to think about the various ways to make sorting
possible. Maybe this will work as soon as you have implemented the suggestion "S170233"?
If you have no further plans to implment something
regarding this topic, could you give me a hint how I could realize our
I have attached a sample solution. As you can see the rootListView as the nestedListView is not sorted although sorting is enabled with help of the IModelSorting property.
Thank you very much in advance


Comments (1)
DevExpress Support Team 12 years ago

    Please accept our apologies for the delay in responding. We have been slightly overwhelmed with customer questions these days. Your question will be answered as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.

    Answers approved by DevExpress Support

    created 12 years ago (modified 12 years ago)

    Hello Christian,
    Your findings are absolutely correct. In addition to the platform-dependent solution you are already aware of, you can use the solution I have just described in my comment to Core - Support ListView sorting settings from the application model in Server Mode. This does not mean, however, that we do not have plans to continue to improve this functionality.
    Let me know if I can assist you further.

      Show previous comments (4)
      Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 12 years ago

          Hi Dennis,
          we discovered a problem with the sorting in nestedListViews with activated AutoCommit (AutoCommit is implemented by us on every currentObjectChanged event). The sorting works only every 2nd commit. Please have a look at the attached soluation and the video.
          Thank you

          Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 12 years ago

            Hello Christian,
            I would like to create a separate ticket for this problem (Sorting does not work stably when committing a nested ListView on every current object change), not to keep everything within a single thread. I will answer you there as soon as I can.

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