Ticket Q371273
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Sorting does not work stably when committing a nested ListView on every current object change

created 12 years ago

Hi Dennis,

we discovered a problem with the sorting in nestedListViews with activated AutoCommit (AutoCommit is implemented by us on every currentObjectChanged event). The sorting works only every 2nd commit. Please have a look at the attached soluation and the video.

Thank you


Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 12 years ago (modified 12 years ago)

Hello Christian,
I think that it would be best if you grabbed the example code from the standard XAF controller:

public class ListViewAutoCommitController2 : ViewController { private void ObjectSpace_ObjectEndEdit(Object sender, ObjectManipulatingEventArgs e) { // B37305 if (ObjectSpace.ModifiedObjects.Contains(e.Object)) { // B33747 CommitChanges(); } } private void ListView_Closing(object sender, EventArgs e) { CommitChanges(); } private void ListView_QueryCanChangeCurrentObject(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { CommitChanges(); } private void ListView_ValidateObject(object sender, ValidateObjectEventArgs e) { // B32035 CommitChanges(); } protected virtual void CommitChanges() { // B33150 if (!ObjectSpace.IsDeleting && (ObjectSpace.ModifiedObjects.Count > 0)) { ObjectSpace.CommitChanges(); } } protected override void OnActivated() { base.OnActivated(); ObjectSpace.ObjectEndEdit += new EventHandler<ObjectManipulatingEventArgs>(ObjectSpace_ObjectEndEdit); ListView listView = (ListView)View; listView.Closing += new EventHandler(ListView_Closing); listView.QueryCanChangeCurrentObject += new EventHandler<CancelEventArgs>(ListView_QueryCanChangeCurrentObject); listView.ValidateObject += new EventHandler<ValidateObjectEventArgs>(ListView_ValidateObject); } protected override void OnDeactivated() { base.OnDeactivated(); ObjectSpace.ObjectEndEdit -= new EventHandler<ObjectManipulatingEventArgs>(ObjectSpace_ObjectEndEdit); ListView listView = (ListView)View; listView.Closing -= new EventHandler(ListView_Closing); listView.QueryCanChangeCurrentObject -= new EventHandler<CancelEventArgs>(ListView_QueryCanChangeCurrentObject); listView.ValidateObject -= new EventHandler<ValidateObjectEventArgs>(ListView_ValidateObject); } protected virtual void InitializeComponent() { } public ListViewAutoCommitController2() : base() { InitializeComponent(); TargetViewNesting = Nesting.Nested; TypeOfView = typeof(ListView); } }

I have just changed its TargetViewNesting property. Unless I missed something, it all worked fine in your scenario.

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