Ticket Q442497
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We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:

ASPxGridViewExporter don't translate enums

Export to Excel (and other) doesn’t use DisplayNameAttibute for enums.

created 12 years ago

See ExportEnum.png
How to fix this?


created 12 years ago (modified 12 years ago)

Hello Alexey,
Thank you for contacting us. You can implement a solution described in the duplicate ticket: ASPxGridViewExporter don't translate enums.
Check if Search Engine is able to answer questions faster than I do!

    Comments (2)

      I solve problem in my case with controller:
          public class FixExportViewController : ViewController<ListView>
              protected override void OnViewControlsCreated()

      var editor = View.Editor as ASPxGridListEditor;
                  if (editor == null)
                  var exporter = editor.Printable as ASPxGridViewExporter;
                  if (exporter == null)
                  exporter.RenderBrick += exporter_RenderBrick;
              void exporter_RenderBrick(object sender, ASPxGridViewExportRenderingEventArgs e)
                  if(e.Value is Enum)
                      e.Text = new EnumDescriptor(e.Value.GetType()).GetCaption(e.Value);
      Most users expect to see in export what they see in the listview.
      This is especially true for non-english speaking users (DislayName different from enum name).
      Is it possible to use DislayName for enum by default in export?

      Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 12 years ago

        Thank you for the feedback, Alexey. I am glad to hear that you have solved this problem as suggested.
        As for your last question, we already have a similar feature request in our TODO list and we will take your feedback into account.

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