Good afternoon,
I have version 10.1.7 of DevExpress, and I have a function that exports to Excel one ASPxGridView to Excel with the following code:
ASPxGridViewExporter exporter = new ASPxGridViewExporter();
ASPxGridView gridView = (ASPxGridView)((ListView)View).Editor.Control;
exporter.GridViewID = gridView.ID;
exporter.Styles.Header.Font.Bold = true;
exporter.Styles.Default.Font.Name = "Arial";
The export makes it correctly, but in the resulting Excel, enums are not translated when the ASPxGridView if translated into the language of the customer.
I made the translations in the model of module of module.web and web, the 3 projects we have in our solution.
I can help get the enums out translated in the resulting Excel?
thank you very much