Ticket Q426491
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Rich Text Toolbar-buttons aren´t updated on MFC-dialog

created 13 years ago

Hi all,

We created a RichTextControl and added a Bar Menu based on your
How to: Create a Simple Word Processor with Bar Menu
All works fine, until we used the control on a MFC-Dialog.
There occurs a wrong behaviour with the formatting toolbars:
We attached a sample MFC-Project of Microsoft
and added the RichTextControl to it.

Steps to reproduce:
Start the MFC04.exe,
click New,
then select Dialog,
click Ok and then
click one of the Open buttons.
Type some text into the control,
select a part of it and
change the style with the toolbarbuttons (Bold, Italic …)
Now move the caret into the not formatted text
-> the buttons (you selected before) aren't reseted to match the formating of the text at the caret.

This behaviour only occurs when we use the control on a MFC-Dialog. It also happens when we use newer versions (till 12.1).
On a Winform it works fine.

Do you have an idea what we could try?

Thanks in advance


created 13 years ago (modified 13 years ago)

The native .NET environment is preferable to host RichEditControl. We do not guarantee that our components can be accessed in the non-.NET environment. See also: RichEditControl used for Outlook Addin, UserControl with XtraRichEdit.

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