Ticket Q263242
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XtraRichEdit in MFC dialog: Text can't be edited.

UserControl with XtraRichEdit

created 15 years ago

I am creating an UserControl with XtraRichEdit using C#.Net and using the User Control in a MFC dialog based Application.I am able to display the User Control with XtraRichEdit Control in MFC Dialog,but cannot edit any Text.Please find the attached Sample project.

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    Hi ,
         I am following up the issue .We are actually evaluating if the RichEditText control can be used in MFC Application.Is the problem I reported is a bug ?If so will it be available soon or have to wait for next release.
    Thanks in Advance

    DevExpress Support Team 15 years ago

      Hi Reeza,
      Please accept my sincere apologies for the delay in responding.
      It appears that the cause of the problem is that the RichEditControl.KeyPressed event doesn't raised in your project. At present, I have no idea concerning what the cause of this problem is, sorry.

      DevExpress Support Team 15 years ago

        Hi Reeza,
        Also, I suggest that you review the following articles for additional information:
        Custom controls in a dialog to get keyboard input,
        How To Use the WM_GETDLGCODE Message.
        Hope this helps.

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