Ticket Q217449
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Add new parameters to the client-side SelectionChanged event

created 16 years ago

I am processing the SelectionChanged event, but I don't see the nodeKey as part of the event args. I need to be able to determine the nodeKey and the state of the object that just changed.
If there is no DEVX API, then can it be done using other means? Browser independent necessary.

Comments (2)
Bogdan Kharchenko (DevExpress) 16 years ago

    Hello Jim,
    I've converted your question to a suggestion. It will be implemented in the next minor update.
    Best Regards,

      did this ever get fixed?


      created 13 years ago (modified 13 years ago)

      This feature is not implemented. As a workaround, you can use solutions described in the following tickets:
      ASPxTreelist - How to get selected node values
      ASPxTreeList - How to iterate through selected nodes
      ASPxTreeList - How to get values of parent and child nodes

        Comments (2)

          Is the ASPxTreeList control being maintained anymore? Every hassle I have with it seems to lead to 6-year old postings such as this.

          DevExpress Support Team 10 years ago

            Hello Peter,

            Currently, our efforts are focused on another features and components. Therefore, this request has not been implemented yet. Nevertheless, ASPxTreeList is fully maintained and this request is in our To-Do list.

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