I am trying to progamatically change the text of a tabbed group on my home page. My my page has a dashboard with a layout that has a tabbed group with 4 items. I have put up a ViewController that can access the dashboard view. when i get this view in the controller - i can see that it correctly has my four Items but i have no clue how i can actual change the tabbed group text headers. I followed this tutorial
which only works for win forms but i would like to achieve this on the web page
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Help system for Xaf.Web layout caption items
Hello Alistair,
In ASP.NET, you can change the tabbed group caption at runtime via the WebLayoutManager.ItemCreated event. Please refer to a similar Support Center issue: Help system for Xaf.Web layout caption items.
Thanks for your response but I do not want to do this in the web page - i want to do this in the controller. I have found this article from your post which actually shows exactly what i want : http://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/p/Q248601.aspx
the problem is that I seem to have no access to the ASPxPageControlEx and cannot resolve this object in my code. Code snippet is
TabbedGroupTemplateContainer tabbedGroup = e.TemplateContainer as TabbedGroupTemplateContainer;
if (tabbedGroup != null)
ASPxPageControlEx tabControl = tabbedGroup.Controls[0] as ASPxPageControlEx;
Also tabbedGroup.Controls is in unrecognized. Am i missing any namesapces or references or these abjects do not exist anymore in the expressapp framework
Hello Alistair,
The issue you found contains outdated code. I believe the following example will help you: How to access a tab control in a Detail View layout.
See Also:
UI.Web: Layout Group Caption Formatting in Detail Views