Ticket Q391697
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Help system for Xaf.Web layout caption items

Changed tabbedgroup caption/text in dashboard view

created 13 years ago

I am trying to progamatically change the text of a tabbed group on my home page. My my page has a dashboard with a layout that has a tabbed group with 4 items. I have put up a ViewController that can access the dashboard view. when i get this view in the controller - i can see that it correctly has my four Items but i have no clue how i can actual change the tabbed group text headers. I followed this tutorial
which only works for win forms but i would like to achieve this on the web page

Comments (3)
Anatol (DevExpress) 13 years ago

    Hello Alistair,
    In ASP.NET, you can change the tabbed group caption at runtime via the WebLayoutManager.ItemCreated event. Please refer to a similar Support Center issue: Help system for Xaf.Web layout caption items.

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    Alistair Thacker 13 years ago

      Thanks for your response but I do not want to do this in the web page - i want to do this in the controller. I have found this article from your post which actually shows exactly what i want : http://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/p/Q248601.aspx
      the problem is that I seem to have no access to the ASPxPageControlEx and cannot resolve this object in my code. Code snippet is
       TabbedGroupTemplateContainer tabbedGroup = e.TemplateContainer as TabbedGroupTemplateContainer;
                  if (tabbedGroup != null)
                      ASPxPageControlEx tabControl = tabbedGroup.Controls[0] as ASPxPageControlEx;
      Also tabbedGroup.Controls is in unrecognized. Am i missing any namesapces or references or these abjects do not exist anymore in the expressapp framework

      Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 13 years ago

        Hello Alistair,
        The issue you found contains outdated code. I believe the following example will help you: How to access a tab control in a Detail View layout.
        See Also:
        UI.Web: Layout Group Caption Formatting in Detail Views

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