The data service is ruuning on intranet. I turned on the FireBug and found out that there is a Proxy Authentication error. However, I didn't get it on Internet Explorer.
When I run the WCF web service on FireFox, it works fine. However, when I use the DevExpress simulator with FireFox, I got Proxy Authentication Error. I think that there is a problem on the simulator.
We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:
How to configure DXProxy to work behind proxy/firewall enterprise structureProxy Authentication error
Answers approved by DevExpress Support
Hi Joseph,
Please follow recommendations from the How to configure DXProxy to work behind proxy/firewall enterprise structure ticket.
If this does not help, describe the problem you encountered in greater detail. Some screenshots illustrating the issue would be helpful. We will do our best to assist you.
There is no Firewall running on my pc. It works on Internet Explorer but not on FireFox and Chrome.
The information you have provided is insufficient for us to determine the cause of the problem. Please describe the problem you encountered in greater detail.
To help us determine the cause of this issue, clarify the following:
- What does the issue look like? Some screenshots that illustrate the actual and expected results, would be helpful;
- Specify the DevExtreme Version/Build you are using.
In addition, please refer to the ApplicationId 'X' Is Not Found ticket.