Hello XAF Team,
I need to show the result to end users, after the custom action attribute is clicked in List View and Detail View, in Win UI and in Web UI.
How can I achieve this goal?
We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:
Platform-Agnostic API for Text Notifications
Hello James,
Thank you for your feedback.
This behavior is by design. The ActionAttribute attribute is introduced to simplify the action creation as compared to the new controller/action approach.
To achieve the required behavior, create a new controller with a PopupWindowShowAction.
I hope you will find this information helpful.
Hello Dan,
Thank you for your reply.
Is it possible to show the result of the action (via controller) to end users? For example: 'The action was performed successfully." If there is no visual message, end users don't know the final result of the action just clicked.
Hello James,
You can throw a UserFriendlyException in the simplest case (it will display some kind of a message box). Alternatively, you can implement a client-side dialog using suggestions from the Web - Support complex dialogs on the client-side in XAF ASP.NET applications (similar to the MessageBox in Windows Forms) and Support - provide an example, illustrating how to show a dialog window in the Web ( S19008 ) threads or even by displaying a regular XAF View.
Hello Dennis,
Thanks for your reply.
UserFriendlyException is useful if I need to display 'failure' result to end users, but it's useless when I need to display 'success' result to end users, after an action is executed.
I also found many, many other XAF developers need a unified, platform-independent MessageBox solution. I also need this solution heavily. Why don't you introduce such a useful feature into XAF? Any question or suggestion (in your support center) that is related to this platform-independent MessageBox will be 'solved' by giving lots of links, but the links simply don't work as MessageBox do.
I tried the 'generic messagebox' solution in this post: http://community.devexpress.com/forums/t/103663.aspx
Its Web UI does not work with v11.2, because your Xaf v11.2 ASP.NET Application Migration Guidelines said "Use XafCallbackManager to handle control client-side events on the server via callbacks." But I don't know how to modify the original source code of 'generic messagebox' solution.
Hello James,
Thank you for your feedback.
We also find this functionality useful and consider introducing it in future versions of XAF. I am afraid I cannot promise any release dates though. The best would be tracking the suggestions I gave above.
As for temporary solutions, I have never tested the 'generic messagebox' solution from forums. I suggest you implement one of the solutions (e.g. based on the ASPxPopupControl) given in the threads I suggested above. Have you tried this? In order to register a custom script, use the event of the XafCallbackManager as demonstrated at Can't get ClientSideClickHandler, OnActionContainerHolderMenuItemsCreated and UpdateMenuClientScript to work on Version 11.2.5. I hope you find this information helpful.
Hello Dennis,
Thank you very much for your suggestions!
I'll wait for your future releases that may introduce a platform-independent MessageBox feature, because currently I don't have enough time and knowledge, to research and develop a similar feature by myself.