I could not get issue http://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/p/Q328004.aspx to work with the processed answer or get the attached dxSample.zip Version 10.2.8 project to covert to Version 11.2.5 successfully.
I tried the following links to no avail:
Please consider forwarding, a sample Version 11.2.5 project that addresses issue http://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/p/Q328004.aspx or converting the attached dxSample.zip Version 10.2.8 project to Version 11.2.5 successfully.
Thank you in advance,
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Hi Dario,
Thank you for contacting us. We are working on your issue and will get back to you as soon as we can. Please bear with us.
See Also:
eXpressApp Framework 11.2 ASP.NET Application Migration Guidelines
Hello Dario,
We have updated your project as suggested in the Upgrade Notes topic and the mentioned errors were fixed. We have also found that the approach with the ProcessActionContainerHolderController.OnActionContainerHolderPrerender method and the ClientSideClickHandler property no longer work in the demonstrated case. Now, to achieve the same result, you need to use the XafCallbackManager.ScriptCreated event. Please see the updated project in the attachment.
I was able to get it to work on C# but not VB.
I get the following error in VB:
Error 1 'Public Event ScriptCreated(sender As Object, e As DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.Templates.ScriptCreatedEventArgs)' is an event, and cannot be called directly. Use a 'RaiseEvent' statement to raise an event. C:\Devexpress\Support\MainDemo\VB\MainDemo.Module\Controllers\ViewController1.vb 40 17 MainDemo.Module
Please reply with the correct VB code for the following line:
DirectCast(WebWindow.CurrentRequestPage, ICallbackManagerHolder).CallbackManager.ScriptCreated += New EventHandler(Of ScriptCreatedEventArgs)(AddressOf CallbackManager_ScriptCreated)
I have attached VB.zip for your review.
Thank you in advance,
Hello Dario,
You need to use the following code to subscribe to the ScriptCreated event:
AddHandler DirectCast(WebWindow.CurrentRequestPage, ICallbackManagerHolder).CallbackManager.ScriptCreated, AddressOf CallbackManager_ScriptCreated
Please let me know if you need any further help.
Hello Anatol,
You rock!!! :-)
Neither the approach with the ProcessActionContainerHolderController.OnActionContainerHolderPrerender method and the ClientSideClickHandler property or the XafCallbackManager.ScriptCreated event works on version v2011 vol 1.
Please refer to previous attached VB.zip and suggest a method that will work for version v2011 vol 1.
Thank you,
Hello Dario,
Please accept my apologies for the delayed response. Please refer to the ProcessActionContainerHolderController Examples? Support Center issue to learn how to use ProcessActionContainerHolderController in version 11.1.
You are the MAN!!! :-)
Thank you,