I have a grid control that is using and AdvBandedGridView. One of the columns is set to use 4 rows. Im having an issue when the cell contains more text than it can fit in the cell. What options do I have to handle this? Can the cell have a scrollbar? Can I make the cell expand into more rows when the user clicks the cell?
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Memoedit Scrollbar
To display a text in AdvBandedGridView's cell with scrollbar, you should apply an in-place editor RepositoryItemMemoEdit. Please review my sample.
I saw your code, but unfortunately that won't help. I actually have memo text fields assigned to the cells. Apparently I tried this before at some point. The grid in the app is not editable and the scroll bars only show up when you select the cell. I need the scrollbars to show up while viewing to let the user know there is more text.
The GridView doesn't support this ability. Please review the discussion about the same task: Memoedit Scrollbar.
The discussion you linked help. The "Preview" options gave me exactly what I wanted (to display the text of the one of the fields with an auto-row height). Now I just need one more minor thing. How can I manipulate the appearance of the preview text? ie. change the color from blue text to black text?
Disregard my last question. I found the link towards the bottom of the Preview documentation on customizing it. I was able to set the color in the CustomDrawRowPreview event. I would have liked to have set it in the designer, but this works.
You are welcome!