Ticket CQ63561
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Memoedit Scrollbar

created 18 years ago

I have an xtragrid with MemoEdit column.
The memoedit has a vertical scrollbar which is displayed only if the row is focused.
Is there a way to show the scrollbar when the row is not focused as well, so the user will know that the text is longer than what he see?

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DevExpress Support Team 18 years ago

    Hello Kasambian,
    Indeed, the AdvBandedGridView doesn't support automatic calculation of row heights because its layout is rather complex. This can result in grid's low performance. However, it's possible to implement the similar algorithm using the CalcRowHeight event. I've attached a corresponding sample. Please take into account that it might not work for a more complex layout.
    Thank you,

      Thank you for the example.
      My case is a bit different.
      The memoedit doesn't stand alone in the band.
      I have a simple column and a memoedit in the same band. The memo edit is bellow the simple column.
      The problem is that that changing the row height expands both columns, as a result, the data in the memoedit is hidden.
      I need to expand the memoedit column only.
      Attached is a solution demonstrating the problem.
      Waiting for your respone
      Kasambian :)

      DevExpress Support Team 18 years ago

        Hello Kasambian,
        Thank you for the clarification. The lines in the AdvBandedGridView can be only of the same height. But, based on your task description, I can offer you an alternative solution that appears to be easer: to use the Preview Featurte to represent full text. Additionally, you can use the MemoExEdit editor instead of MemoEdit to edit the text in-place.
        Thank you,

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