I followed the "How to integrate the ASPxNavBar control into the sharepoint site, but it appears that our MOSS Menu HierarchyData is somehow different to that of the KB article, see attached picture.
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Hello Chris,
I suggest that you try providing correct data to your ASPxNavBar control by handling its GroupDataBound and ItemDataBound events in the manner it is described in the following Support Center issue: ASPxGridView - Popup Edit Form not working correctly in Sharepoint
In particular, you code could be similar to the one below:
protected void ASPxNavBar1_GroupDataBound(object source, DevExpress.Web.ASPxNavBar.NavBarGroupEventArgs e)
PortalSiteMapNode node = (e.Group.DataItem as PortalHierarchyData).PortalSiteMapNode;
e.Group.Text = node.Title;
e.Group.NavigateUrl = node.Url;
e.Group.Target = node.Target;
protected void ASPxNavBar1_ItemDataBound(object source, DevExpress.Web.ASPxNavBar.NavBarItemEventArgs e)
PortalSiteMapNode node = (e.Item.DataItem as PortalHierarchyData).PortalSiteMapNode;
e.Item.Text = node.Title;
e.Item.NavigateUrl = node.Url;
e.Item.Target = node.Target;