Bug Report B96930
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ASPxComboBox in Sharepoint (WSS 3) with IE7

ASPxGridView - Popup Edit Form not working correctly in Sharepoint

created 17 years ago

I'm using VS2005, I created a web user control, which works perfectly fine in a web application.
The web control has a grid, with a popup edit form, with controls e.g (calandar, textbox, comobo box).
When I deploy it to Sharepoint 2007 and add the user control has a web part, the calendar control does not display correctly.
I have no height, width in the popup edit form.
I'm not sure if this is a bug?
Attached is a diagram of it working correctly, then on the sharepoint portal (you will see the popup edit fomr scrolls), also is my popup edit form properties.

Show previous comments (2)
Vanessa Santangelo 17 years ago

    Any news on the error reported on the 25/08/2008?

    DevExpress Support Team 17 years ago

      Please give us some more time. We are investigating the problem. Thank you for your patience.
      Andrew R

      DevExpress Support Team 17 years ago

        Hello Vanessa,
        Comprehensive SharePoint Server support will be implemented in a future version of our controls. Currently, you can workaround the problem by replacing a standard menu with our ASPxMenu control.

        <dxm:ASPxMenu ID="ASPxMenu1" runat="server" Orientation="Vertical" Height="17px" OnItemDataBound="ASPxMenu1_ItemDataBound" DataSourceID="SiteMapDS"> </dxm:ASPxMenu> <script type="text/C#" runat="server"> protected void ASPxMenu1_ItemDataBound(object source, DevExpress.Web.ASPxMenu.MenuItemEventArgs e) { PortalSiteMapNode node = (e.Item.DataItem as PortalHierarchyData).PortalSiteMapNode; e.Item.Text = node.Title; e.Item.NavigateUrl = node.Url; e.Item.Target = node.Target; } </script>


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