In, a solution is given to enable the New Action in case of a many-to-many assocation.
However, this unveals a bug in the LinkDetailViewController.
See Steps to Reproduce, along with the following:
The problem has to do with the fact that the DetailViewLinkController on the Child-DetailView is adding the newly created object to the Child-CollectionSource
of the Parent DetailView. However, at that moment, this Parent-Child relationShip already exists in the database.
Pressing Save and Close on the Parent's DetailView at that moment tries to insert another record in the linktable, resulting
in the constrainst-violation.
It appears to me there is a bug in the LinkDetailViewController. In the case that the CollectionSource of the ListView comes from a Many to Many association, the LinkDetailViewController should not add the newly created object to this collection, but instead reload the collection.
I will create a separate SC issue for this.
Steps to Reproduce:
Add the following controller:
public class MyWinNewObjectViewController : WinNewObjectViewController {
public MyWinNewObjectViewController() { }
protected override void UpdateActionState() {
Say we have a many to many relationship between Parent and Child.
Now when I Open an existing Parent, Click the New to create and Link a new Child,
Save and Close this New Child and then click Save and Close on the Parent, a Constraint Vioalation occurs.
Actual Results:
An error (constraint violation) occurs
Expected Results:
No error should occur.
We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:
"Duplicate key" error trying to save roles and users
Hello Marco,
>>In, a solution is given to enable the New Action in case of a many-to-many association.
>>However, this reveals a bug in the LinkDetailViewController.
I am afraid Anatol forgot to mention that this scenario is not supported out-of-the-box, and due to that, it may cause problems, like one you have found here. I do not recommend using the given solution until that feature is implemented in the product, by default.
If you want, you can always create a suggestion to support a useful functionality which isn't present in our framework by default, so that other users can track it.
I searched in our database and found that we already have a similar suggestion in this regard: SystemModules.Delete - Usability of ListView that represents Many-To-Many collection. Please track it. BTW, a similar suggestion was recently registered by one of our old customers: SystemModules.Link - the AllowNew and AllowDelete attributes for nested ListView should not impact the Link and Unlink actions. It's also about the behavior of ListView with for a collection property which is a part of the Many-To-Many association.
In addition, please refer to my last post in the Inherit from an built-in Controller issue, because it contains more links to the suggestions on nested list view improvements.
It appears to me there is a bug in the LinkDetailViewController. In the case that the CollectionSource of the ListView comes from a Many to Many association, the LinkDetailViewController should not add the newly created object to this collection, but instead reload the collection.
I will create a separate SC issue for this.
Marco, please create a new bug report if the problem you have found is reproducible with the default controller in the scenario, which is supported out-of-the-box in XAF. Otherwise, we cannot guarantee that this will considered to be a bug. Thanks for understanding.