Ticket T587005
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We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:

Core - An exception is thrown when a link is added to many-to-many collections in different ObjectSpaces

"Duplicate key" error trying to save roles and users

created 7 years ago


I have the following scenario:

  1. User goes to Roles screen. He selects a specific role to edit. Let's say that he selects "Administrators" role.
  2. Editing the role "Administrators" that user clicks the "New" button of the "Users" tab.
  3. Adding a new user, that person clicks the option "Link" of the "Roles" tab and selects the same role that in step 1,
    that means, he selects "Administrators".
  4. User clicks OK in the New User screen
  5. User clicks Save in the Role screen.
  6. System shows a SQL error with a message of duplicated key.

Any workaround?


Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 7 years ago (modified 7 years ago)

This is a specificity of the XAF UI when a many-to-many association is shown.
One of the ways to resolve this issue is to use a nested Object Space for popup windows shown from the Many to Many collection. To do this, override the GetObjectSpaceToShowDetailViewFrom method in your application's WebApplication descendant. Here is an example of how to change such windows:

public override IObjectSpace GetObjectSpaceToShowDetailViewFrom(Frame sourceFrame, Type objectType, TargetWindow targetWindow) { if(sourceFrame is NestedFrame && sourceFrame.View != null && sourceFrame.View.Id == "PermissionPolicyRole_Users_ListView") { return sourceFrame.View.ObjectSpace.CreateNestedObjectSpace(); } else { return base.GetObjectSpaceToShowDetailViewFrom(sourceFrame, objectType, targetWindow); } }

Note that in this case, you will need to click Save in the parent DetailView to save all changes made in the popup windows.

    Comments (1)
    AG AG
    Alex Gn (DevExpress) 6 years ago

      We fixed this issue and the corresponding changes are included in version 18.2.7. See the Core - Exception is thrown when a link is added to many-to-many collections in different ObjectSpaces ticket for details.

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