Ticket T995574
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Pivot Grid runtime customization and custom summaries

created 4 years ago (modified 4 years ago)

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T994515: How to implement a custom Blazor List Editor based on DxPivotGrid]
A couple of questions about the component itself now:

  1. In the Aspx version, there were some properties on a field
( tagField.AllowedAreas = PivotGridAllowedAreas.ColumnArea | PivotGridAllowedAreas.RowArea | PivotGridAllowedAreas.FilterArea;)

Are these properties going to reappear in future Beta releases?
2. The old control provided a pop up menu from which one could choose fields to drop onto the RowArea, ColumnArea etc. Will that functionality be part of the new control or is it envisioned a user should program it themselves outside this control?
3. Is it possible to use Custom Summary methods as was permitted in the old control?

tagField.SummaryType = DevExpress.Data.PivotGrid.PivotSummaryType.Custom;

Thanks in advance for the great support you provide.

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 4 years ago

Hello Philip,

Unfortunately, these features are not on the roadmap for this year: Blazor UI - 2021 Roadmap. However, our long-term goal is to make Blazor Pivot Grid as powerful as our Pivot Grids for other .NET technologies. So, I expect that we will schedule some of the listed features for the next year. We will work on our 2022 Roadmap at the end of 2021. I cannot say anything about our Blazor Pivot Grid plans until then. So, please stay tuned.

    Comments (1)

      Thank you. If I can throw in a vote for a few features that would be great to see when you build out the Blazor based control…

      Features that we made heavy use of in the Aspx pivot grid were the following:

      1. Custom aggregation/summary methods (we are computing measures like Incremental Value-at-Risk so there are a lot of domain specific calculations);
      2. The ability to drag and drop row and column dimensions.

      A feature that would be very useful that we did not have (I think because we were using v18.2) was parallelization of the computation of the custom aggregations.

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