Ticket T985989
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PDF - Decrease File Size

created 4 years ago


We are looking for a way to decrease file sizes of the PDFs. PDFs are generated using Active Reports for .NET component. I cannot give you any examples of the PDFs at the moment but I may provide it later.

We are thinking about something like a "resaving" procedure:

  1. Load a PDF from file into some DevExpress component.
  2. Make some operations using the component, that would help decrease file size.
  3. Save PDF from DevExpress component back to the PDF file.

Can you suggest if this can be achieved by using DevExpress components?

Thank you.

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 4 years ago

Hi Marcin,

Our PDF Suite does not support compressing PDF files at present.

Please describe your requirements in more detail. Do you wish to remove embedded fonts or certain content from PDF documents or compress document images? I will pass this information to our developers. We will take your scenario into account while planning new features.

    Show previous comments (4)
    DevExpress Support Team 4 years ago

      I discussed your inquiry with our developers. I'm afraid that we didn't find a reliable workaround to reduce the size of PDF files using DevExpress components.

      We will take your vote into account when planning further enhancements for our PDF Suite.

      VK VK
      Venkateswarlu Kommi 4 years ago

        We need this feature. We are asking since 4 years.

        DevExpress Support Team 4 years ago


          I have just answered you in this ticket: How to compress a PDF document to reduce its size. Please check it.

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