I took a look to the Blazor demo and the Model editor. In the Contact_DetailView I set the Layout IsCollapsibleGrop to True (which I use very often in my XAF.WEB application). But nothing happens, the true setting takes no effetct. Is this in your ToDo list?? This setting is very important to me and will be able to migrate to Blazor only when this will work.
Paolo Kalc
Hello Paolo,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
Yes, I have also informed the Blazor team of your request on DxFormLayout. Even though I cannot give you any time frames, we will keep your suggestion in mind.
As a workaround, you can add a custom Razor component with the required controls (a collapsible div with Blazor editors) to your DetailView, as described in the following help topic: How to: Add a Button to a Detail View Using a Custom View Item. However, in this case you will need to bind and configure these editors in your own code. Please refer to the following article for additional information: ASP.NET Core Razor components.
This feature is very user friendly (at least this is what my users say) and I think it is not very much advertised.
Hope to see this feature in Blazor soon.
Just wanted to know if IsCollapsibleGroup setting has been implemented and if not any timeframe.
This is a must for me and waiting to switch to Blazor as soon as this is done.
@Paolo: I've informed the team that creates Blazor components about the importance of this feature for you - I am afraid we cannot give you any time frames about this feature. We described a possible, but complex workaround in this thread.