Ticket T958214
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How to use custom XPO connection provider

created 4 years ago (modified 4 years ago)

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM K18098: How to create a custom XPO connection provider and then use it in an XAF application]

It seems to me that there should be one more step or the title of the article should be changed

You write, "Before using our connection provider and making it known to XPO"
And the title says you are going to show us how to use it, but the article never explains how to use it.

Maybe I'm just being dense. - extreme newbie to xpo and xaf blazor.


Comments (2)
Andrey K (DevExpress Support) 4 years ago


    This example shows how to use descendants of the ConnectionProviderSql class. Users create such descendants for different tasks, and there is no instruction on how to use all of them. Please describe what exact difficulties you encountered, and we will assist you.


    Andrey K (DevExpress Support) 4 years ago

      To instruct XPO that it must use this custom ConnectionProviderSql to connect to a database, set the provider's identifier in the connection string as described in point 2. ('Connection string'): K18098 - How to create a custom XPO connection provider and then use it in an XAF application


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