What Changed
We renamed the following Scheduler API members to improve clarity:
=> SchedulerAppointmentType.OneTime
=> DxSchedulerRecurrenceInfo.Frequency
How to Update Existing Apps
If you use these members in the application code, replace Normal
with OneTime
, and Periodicity
with Frequency
Razorpublic static partial class AppointmentCollection {
public static List<Appointment> GetAppointments() {
DateTime date = DateTime.Today;
var dataSource = new List<Appointment>() {
// appointments
// ...
new Appointment {
Type = SchedulerAppointmentType.Normal, // replace `Normal` with `OneTime`
Caption = "Daily Meeting",
StartDate = date + (new TimeSpan(0, 9, 00, 0)),
EndDate = date + (new TimeSpan(0, 10, 00, 0)),
Label = 10,
Status = 1,
Recurrence = string.Format("<RecurrenceInfo Type=\"0\" Start=\"{0}\" Range=\"1\"
OccurrenceCount=\"10\" Periodicity =\"1\" Id=\"72e3db8f-cdb6-4aaa-afe1-e3c6b80ce995\"/>",
ToString(date + (new TimeSpan(0, 9, 00, 0))))
} // replace `Periodicity` with `Frequency`
return dataSource;