Ticket T936821
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Blazor - Get connections strings from Module.cs

created 4 years ago

I'm using two database with custom database provider and I'm trying to convert webforms to blazor. Now I need to get the connectionstring from blazor that I was able to get from the ConfigurationManager["Connection…"] but it's not available.

Is there a way to get it from the appsettins.json?

Thanks and have a good day

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 4 years ago


Sure, you can use standard ASP.NET solutions for this general programming task, because it is unrelated to DevExpress:

For instance, in XAF's Blazor demo we have the following code:

IConfiguration configuration = ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IConfiguration>(); if(configuration.GetConnectionString("ConnectionString") != null) { ConnectionString = configuration.GetConnectionString("ConnectionString"); }

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