Ticket T935015
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How to show correct Filter Dropdown values in a column with a custom CellDisplayTemplate

created 4 years ago

Hi DevEx,

I have a table with a foreign key to display. All readable values from this other table are displayed in a ComboBoxEdit. When using a CellDisplayTemplate the values in the column header filter popup are the ValueMembers instead of the DisplayMembers. When using ComboBoxEditSettings the FilterPopup looks fine. How can I fix this?
I attached a small sample showing this behavior.

Best regards,

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 4 years ago

Hello Daniel,

CellDisplayTemplate does not affect data filtering, similar to CellTemplate. Please check the following topic where we compared CellTemplate with other ways to customize display text - Format Cell Values.

If the EditSettings property meets your requirements, I recommend you continue using it. This technique is the best in terms of performance and compatibility with other features. Otherwise, combine CellDisplayTemplate/CellEditTemplate with other techniques that affect filtering. For example, use CellEditTemplate along with EditSettings.


    Comments (2)

      Hi Ivan,

      I wasn't aware that EditSettings and CellEditTemplate can be used together.
      That work just fine for my case.
      Thanks for your help.

      Best regards,

      Andrey Marten (DevExpress Support) 4 years ago

        Hello Daniel,

        We believe that the scenario that we discussed in this thread can be helpful to other customers. Therefore, we included a link to this thread into our Tips & Tricks (October 2020) blog post. You might be interested in other situations that made it to this list.

        Feel free to leave a comment and share your thoughts and feedback.


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