Ticket T917384
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We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:

XtraTabControl - Controls aren't validated when placed on invisible tab pages

GridControl's data-related methods don't function if it is placed on a non focused Tab page

created 5 years ago


Winforms XtraGrid.
On form I have Xtra tab controls with 3 tabs.
tab1 has an XtraGrid connecting to Sql server via binding source
tab 2 and 3 each have a listboxControl using the same binding source

When from is created and defaults to tab1
and then I go to tab2 or 3 and click on row, I get the current row.

When from is created and defaults to tab2 or 3
I can NOT get the current row, unless i go to tab1 and then back to tab2 or 3.

The binding source data load occurs on the form load event.

Can not send sample code, the whole application has too many dependencies.

Please assist.


Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 5 years ago

This is standard behavior which is specific to how the standard WinForms data binding works - data bindings aren't completely initialized until a control is visible for the first time.
Please refer to the following ticket where a similar issue is discussed for an additional explanation and solution:
XtraTabControl - Controls aren't validated when placed on invisible tab pages

Should you have additional questions, let me know.

    Comments (1)
    MW MW
    Michael Willdelaforcade 5 years ago

      Looping through the tabs worked.

      Thanks !

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