Ticket T885047
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Questions on InfiniteRecursionException (B181657)

created 5 years ago (modified 5 years ago)

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM B181657: Layout - Troubleshooting the "Error creating window handle" or "Infinite recursion detected: the 'XXX' view was created 51 times" errors]

Starting with v16.1, there will be InfiniteRecursionException from XAF when such an error configuration is detected at runtime.

Please prohibit saving the layout when this error occurs.

Show previous comments (5)
Willem de Vries 5 years ago

    In this case it was not the moment a user switched to ListViewAndDetailView, but when he added in the detailview (Customize layout) a collection of the same kind of objects, with also a listview that already was in ListViewAndDetailView mode.

    Andrey K (DevExpress Support) 5 years ago

      Thank you for the confirmation!


      Andrey K (DevExpress Support) 5 years ago


        We will introduce a mechanism to prevent saving a layout that was broken because of infinite master-detail list views: T887270 - WinForms - Adding a list view in the master-detail mode breaks a layout in some circumstances.
        Please add this thread to your favorites to be notified of our progress.


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