Ticket T871268
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Devextreme React - Change Form Item Option programmatically

created 5 years ago


i have a problem with programmatically changing form item options inside the onFieldDataChanged callback method (line 109 inside App.js) on the form element. there is an endless loop inside the onOptionChanged callback method (line 120 inside App.js).

here is a project with the error: https://codesandbox.io/s/devextreme-dynamic-form-uv0dg and 2 devtools screenshots that says, that the form items property is every time changed.

Steps for reproducing:

  • select a user
  • fill out test field
  • fill out test 2 field
  • clear select with (X) button

–> endless loop

Thanks for your help.

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 5 years ago

Hello Sebastian,
Thank you for the sample. I simplified it and now it calls itemOption any time:

const handleFieldDataChanged = useCallback(e => { e.component.itemOption('test2', 'visible', false); }, []);

It is enough to replicate the issue.
Even though, you call itemOption to change the item's visibility, the formItems variable remains unchanged. As a result, the component function generates the same set of items. It doesn't explain why it happens in a loop but anyway there is a solution - modify formItems instead of calling itemOption.
Please see the modified CodeSandbox sample. Comment and uncomment marked code snippets to reproduce and solve the issue. Let me know if this approach is suitable for you.

    Comments (2)
    SK SK
    Sebastian Kloppe 5 years ago

      Thanks for your response. Your modified sample works. But i think this should be marked as a workaround and not a fix.

      Andrew Ser (DevExpress Support) 5 years ago

        Currently, we don't recommend mixing React states and options. If you want to use states, use this approach to work with widgets as well.
        We are researching opportunities on how to support this mix in the scope of the Form - The ItemOptions method does not update column count of GroupItems. Please add that thread to your favorites to be notified of our progress.

        I hope you find this information useful.

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