Attached is a sample project that can be used to reproduce the issue.
Click the Edit item and change value of the Company Name editor. A changed value will not be shown in the Combobox editor.
DataGrid for Blazor - ComboBox does not keep a selected item while editing Grid records if a ComboBox column is bound to a collection of custom objects
Answers approved by DevExpress Support
We have fixed the issue described in this ticket and will include the fix in our next update. The update will be available via the DevExpress NuGet server. Refer to this page to obtain your personal NuGet feed URL.
This issue was fixed in the 19.2.4 version of our components. Starting with this version, the behavior of our DxDataGridComboBoxColumn was changed. The corresponding field in the collection of new row values (in the RowUpdating, RowUpdatingAsync, RowInserting, and RowInsertingAsync event handlers) now contains the selected item from a combo box, not the value of the field which is specified using the ValueFieldName property.
Refer to the following article for more information about this change Data Grid – For combo box columns bound to a collection of custom objects, the RowUpdating(Async) and RowInserting(Async) event handlers now accept the entire selected item instead of the selected item's value.